Dionysus began with the idea of creating an application that enabled the general consumer to directly use software from their mobile device to obtain their product.  This concept would  eliminate opening a tab at the bar and waiting at the bar for your turn to order a beverage.  The Dionysus software has made serving customers much quicker and easier while allowing them to enjoy this innovative new way to pour the beverage. In the bar business it is important to put the customer first.  Dionysus provides them phenomenal service and is proven to be a key addition to keep customers coming back. Dionysus provides a lucrative opportunity for any establishment to serve a high quanitity of beverages while using new innovative software to improve the customers overall experience. 


  • Dionysus is a self-serving software company envisioned on the idea to serve numerous customers in a more concise amount of time therefore increasing profitability for business owners while providing exceptional customer service.
  • Dionysus sees a lucrative opportunity for establishments that serve alcoholic beverages by offering software that will decrease wait time in line and improving the customers experience all managed through a smartphone.
  • The solution is quick and convenient while adding value to both the consumer and the business owner.
  • Dionysus is a self-funded company looking to increase overall revenue for business owners while offering exceptional customer service.
  • The software can be used in multiple applications to match up with any setup a business owner may already have in place.
  • The Dionysus goal is to offer long term partnerships with establishments that chose to use our software and ensure we are your dedicated innovation partner.
  • We offer a number of options you can choose when you partner with us.

The Future of Self-Serving Beverages